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City annexation moving forward

Update available

Representatives of the City of Walla Walla attended the Table Rock Homeowners’ Association board meeting on April 2 to provide information and answer questions about the pending annexation of the Table Rock subdivision into the City of Walla Walla.

As a result of this meeting, the TRHOA board unanimously supports the proposed annexation.

Some of the key financial aspects of the annexation are:

  • The levy rate will be an estimated $0.60 per $1,000 lower, reducing your property tax.
  • Currently, HOA members are being charged a 50% surcharge for water and sewer services provided by the city, for which we pay no tax. Under annexation, your water bill will be less due to the removal of the surcharge. However, some of this savings will be offset by city utility taxes.
  • The city will assume all responsibility for the street lighting, which currently is an HOA responsibility. The cost of maintaining the street lighting is budgeted at about $4,500 this year. Upon annexation, HOA dues in the future may drop accordingly.
  • All things considered, it is estimated that HOA members may see overall yearly

Other items

  • City police will have primary responsibility for policing Table Rock, with county backup.
  • Streets, curb, gutters and storm drainage will be serviced by
    the city.
  • There will be no change in fire protection services.
  • The jury is still out as to the annexation of the wheat field between Kendall and Cottonwood.

The process

  • The next step in the annexation process is a public meeting to be held at the WaHi Commons on Wednesday, April 10, 7 p.m. If you want to improve the chances of annexation or express disapproval, you should attend this meeting and be heard.
  • There will be a series of city council meetings in April, May and June, with final approval possible on June 12.

If you have questions, contact any board member or call the city manager’s office at 527-4522.