PocketiNet reports that the Table Rock neighborhood is only three fiber sign-ups short of the number needed to begin installing fiberoptic internet cable.
If you’re planning on fiber service but haven’t yet signed up, now is the time. If you still have questions or wonder if fiber really has that much to offer, please follow up right away with PocketiNet (contact info below). Winter weather is coming, and days that could be used for laying fiber are slipping away.
Aaron Shiffler, Director of Fiberhood Sales for PocketiNet, is the person to contact:
Office: (509) 526-5026 x137
Cell: (509) 438-7339
Direct: (509) 593-4716
Thank you for helping to make fiber internet a reality for Table Rock.
Note: This post has been edited 10/22/15 to remove the reference to chip-and-seal repair of the roads in Table Rock. George Bell, street supervisor with the City of Walla Walla, reports that the information we had was incorrect. Crack sealing was the scheduled repair and it already has been done. We regret the error.