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Yearly meeting set for January 26

You’re invited to the yearly Table Rock Homeowners Association meeting, which is scheduled for 7 p.m. on January 26. We’ll be meeting at the Walla Walla Fire District 4 – Station 21, which is located at 2251 S. Howard Street.

The agenda, which will be appearing soon in your mailbox, includes a review and information about neighborhood safety, improvements, HOA finances/dues, the HOA website and enewsletter, covenants, a welcome to new neighbors–and time for questions, answers and suggestions.

A copy of the mailed agenda is also available online.

We’ll look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Fiberoptic internet – urgent Oct. 6 meeting

October 6 (Tues.) at 7 p.m.
Walla Walla Fire District 4 – Station 21
2251 S. Howard St.
Walla Walla, WA 99362

RE: Fiberoptic internet utility installation

The Table Rock HOA Board of Directors requests your attendance at the special neighborhood meeting noted above. Under discussion is the utility installation of fiberoptic internet that will affect each homeowner.

By way of background, the Board recently met with the executive management of PocketiNet Communications. As you may be aware, PocketiNet is currently investing to bring fiber internet service to homes in the Walla Walla Valley.

Currently four neighborhoods are competing to be the first to have this service installed. Table Rock is in the running.

At the conclusion of the meeting with PocketiNet, the Board unanimously and enthusiastically endorsed this service. We are in full support of moving ahead with the project but want you to have an opportunity to hear firsthand about the benefits and ask any questions you may have.

Our enthusiasm for fiberoptic internet service is twofold:

  1. It is the future. U.S. homes average eight internet-connected devices. The fiber-to-home capability offered by PocketiNet offers significantly enhanced speed and clarity for these devices—above and beyond anything available through current neighborhood utilities.
  2. It increases home values. One study has found that having fiber internet service available increases home values by about 3 percent. In brief, fiber is a 21st century utility, with increasing use of electronics and internet bandwidth driving demand. Read more here and here.

At the October 6 meeting you will meet the executives of PocketiNet, who will give a short overview of their company and capabilities. You, as a homeowner, will have the opportunity to ask questions directly.

As previously mentioned, other neighborhoods are competing to be the first to have these services installed. PocketiNet has determined this level of interest from surveys they conducted.

The neighborhood ultimately selected will be based on a predetermined percentage of homeowners who sign up for fiber. With those commitments in hand, PocketiNet would proceed with permitting, planning, and installation.

The Table Rock HOA Board highly recommends this project and the benefits it would bring to our neighborhood. Your support can place us first in line for installation.

Please mark this important date on your calendar. We’ll see you there! Refreshments will be served.

More information about PocketiNet services and available packages is available online. Simply click the “Plans” menu item at the top of the information page.

Note: This post has been edited 10/22/15 to remove the reference to chip-and-seal repair of the roads in Table Rock. George Bell, street supervisor with the City of Walla Walla, reports that the information we had was incorrect. Crack sealing was the scheduled repair and it already has been done. We regret the error.

Annual meeting set for January 27

The annual Table Rock Homeowners Association meeting is set for January 27, 7 p.m., at Fire Station 41, 2251 S. Howard Street.

The meeting provides an opportunity to gather as neighbors and discuss items of mutual interest or concern.

If you have an agenda item to add, please contact Paul Jenes.

Reminder: City annexation meeting March 26

The City Council of the city of Walla Walla will hold a public meeting to consider annexation of approximately 170 acres, including the Table Rock subdivision.

The meeting will be at 7 p.m. on March 26, 2014, in the Walla Walla High School Commons, 800 Abbott Road, in Walla Walla. If you have questions about the proposed annexation, contact Brian Walker, assistant director of city development services, at 524-4556. Or contact a Table Rock HOA board member.

If you can, please attend the meeting.

Here is a PDF of the city’s announcement and the proposed annexation map.

And here are two previous articles posted on this topic:

Annual meeting set for January 28

The annual Table Rock Homeowners Association meeting is set for January 28, 7 p.m., at Fire Station 41, 2251 S. Howard Street.

The meeting provides an opportunity to gather as neighbors and discuss items of mutual interest or concern.

If you have an agenda item to add, please contact Paul Jenes.

July 21: Summer ice cream social

ice-cream-coneYou’re invited to a good old-fashioned summer ice cream social. The event, hosted by Cathy Sesser and Carole DeMoss, will be on Sunday, July 21, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., at the Wolf Fork cul-de-sac.

The hosts will provide ice cream, paper products and ice. You can bring an ice cream topping or dessert to share, your own beverage, lawn chair, blanket or umbrella.

There will be lawn games for all ages.

If you have questions, contact Cathy by phone at 525-0818 or by email. Or contact Carole by email.

On behalf of the neighborhood, the homeowners association would like to thank Cathy and Carole for planning and hosting the event.