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Proposed Hayden Homes development

October 23, 2019 update: The City of Walla Walla reports that Hayden Homes, without explanation, has pulled its Bachtold development application. Also see the Union-Bulletin report.

July 15, 2019: The City of Walla Walla today has given notice that Hayden Homes has officially filed an application to develop the Bachtold property surrounding Table Rock. The proposal is a development agreement in conjunction with an annexation request. The public comment period runs now through 5 p.m. on August 12.

Comments should be written on paper and hand delivered or mailed to:

City of Walla Walla
Development Services Department
55 E. Moore St.
Walla Walla, WA 99362

The development proposal is to subdivide approximately 104 acres into 372 single-family residential lots with associated roads, drainage facilities and open space.

The Table Rock HOA board of directors believes the development as currently proposed has a number of significant issues, including potentially serious safety issues.

Letters to the City of Walla Walla

Calendar items

  • Bachtold annexation meeting (July 30, 7 p.m., WaHi Commons)
  • Closing day for public comments (August 12, 5 p.m.)

Union-Bulletin letters & coverage